They will produce the magnetic flux (field) around them by the flow of an alternating current through it. An ideal inductor has no inductive reactance, so it acts as short circuit. In practical, every inductor has some resistance internally which we call as ‘Inductive reactance’.It is measured in ohms. When the inductive reactance of a coil is very high then the circuit acts as an open circuit and allows maximum current through it. Inductance is the phenomenon of an inductor that opposes the flow of current in the circuit, by generating the back EMF. This inductance is measured in Henry.Inductors are of many types like air cored, iron cored, coupled or differential type and many more. Based on the requirement, inductors have many applications in electrical transmission.

Trilogy Of Inductors Pdf Printers

Table of Contents.Inductors in Tuned CircuitsInductors are used in tuning circuits which are used to select the desired frequency. In a tuned circuit, we have capacitor connected along with the inductor, either in parallel or series. The frequency of the tuning circuit at which the capacitive reactance is equal to the inductive reactance (XC = XL) is called ‘Resonant Frequency’.The series resonance circuits are used in many electronic circuits like television, radio tuning circuits and filters to vary the frequency and selecting the various frequency channels. Inductive sensorsInductors are used in proximity sensors which work on the principle of inductance. We know that inductance is the phenomenon in which, the magnetic field produced in the coil, will oppose the flow of current in it. So thus the inductance will restrict the current flow and reduces the circuit performance.For better performances we need to amplify the current in the circuit.

We use proximity sensors to find the level of amplification factor at which we need to amplify the current.The manufacturers design the sensors by twisting the wire into a tight coil.

Trilogy Of Magnetism Pdf Free Download


Below is a circuit where 3 inductors are placed in series.You can see the inducotrs are in series because they are back-to-back against each other. The best way to think of a series circuit is that ifcurrent flows through the circuit, the current can only take one path.

You can see in the above circuit that if current flowed through it, it could only take one path.Formula for Adding Inductors in SeriesThe formula to calculate the total series inductance of a circuit is:So to calculate the total inductance of the circuit above, the total inductance, L T would be:So using the above formula, the total inductance is 60H.Note- When inductors are in series, as the formula shows, they simply add together. Thus, the total inductance of a series circuit will always be greater than any of theindividual inductor values.Inductors in ParallelInductors in parallel are inductors that are connected side-by-side in different branches of a circuit.Below is a circuit where 3 inductors are in parallel. You can see that the inductors are in parallel because they are all on their own separate branches in the circuit. The best way to think aboutparallel circuits is by thinking of the path that current can take. When current is travelling through a parallel circuit, the current cantake various paths through the circuits, such as to go through any of the branches containing the inductors. In series, this is not the case.

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