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I ran 'SELECT SUM percentcynicism FROM mypersonality and it came back100%.As a side query I asked, why does someone want to mind data from a webpage? Do I have to do this for my own web pages? No, I don't because Ialready have this data. Would, my daughter have to mine data from myweb page. No, she wouldn't; she would just ask me and I would send itto her.Who would have to mine it?

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My guess is someone that I didn't want togive it to would have to mine it, unless they were just too lazy toask.I suppose if I were tres stupide and the only way I could come up withto get my own data would be by mining it, then it would not be theft;it would just be stupidity.So maybe it's not theft;maybe it's just that when your lover looks intoyour eyes, he/she sees the back of your skull.I hope that's not too judgemental for you. I've done my bery best toput a positive interpretation on the OP's request.Of course maybe he/she had permission to download the data as a commadelimted text file and simple wanted to know how to load the data fromthat file into a JET table. In that case, my cynicism about theft andstupidity is misplaced and should be replaced with an admonition to tryasking the question you want answered instead of some other question. I've created Web sites that give the ability for a user to download aCSV file.

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And a.csv file can be opened in Excel or imported intoAccess via File Get External Data.Best regards,J. Paul Schmidt, Freelance Web and Database DeveloperAccess Database Sample, Web Database Sample, ASP Design TipsCan anyone point me in the right direction on how I can import a commadelimited webpage off a website into a table in Access 2003?If someone knows of an example of how to do this that would really begreat. My access knowledge is not too great unfortunately.

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