Michael Badnarik has created a constitutional primer that will edify and entertain Good to be King: The Foundation of Our Constitutional Freedom presents a. GOODto be KING GOOD to be KING The Foundation of Our Constitutional Freedom MICHAEL BADNARIK. Michael BadnarikSep 20, Jonnythrombosis rated it it was amazing. Tom Michael rated it really liked it Jan 15, In he ran for the district 48 seat receiving 1, votes, or 2.

Distribution of my newsletter has changed. He discusses the critical- and needed- distinction between republican and democratic systems of oing, arguing that freedom can survive in America only if we return to our republican roots.I learned the difference between rights and privileges. Nick Michelewicz rated it it was amazing Apr 17, Lists with This Book. Badnarik was viewed as unlikely to win the Libertarian presidential nomination, facing challenges from talk-show host Gary Nolan and Hollywood producer Aaron Russo.Badnarik receivedvotes nationwide in the November 2, election, taking 0.

Garrett Jackson rated it it was amazing Sep 04, Badnarik spent most of early touring the nation and giving speeches. Badnarik born August 1, is an American software engineerpolitical bf, and former radio talk show host.The author then provides a detailed explication of the true meaning of major constitutional provisions and amendments. No national polls including Badnarik had put him above 1.He also taught a class on the U. Badnari, rated it it was amazing Feb 02, Archived from the original on Jeff rated it it was amazing Feb 20, Michael is a thrilling speaker, teacher and writer. Badnarik reported hospitalized after heart attack”Independent Political Report.

Good to Be King: The Foundation of Our Constitutional FreedomGood to Be King. House of Representatives in the election. In Aprilhe began hosting a talk radio program, Lighting the Fires of Libertyon the We the People radio network. The Foundation of Our Constitutional Freedom presents a thoroughly readable explanation of how our constitutional republic should work, and how the system became broken in the first place.

Witty, funny, engaging, educational, articles by Michael Badnarik. The civics class you should’ve had in high school. He makes the principles of liberty come Michael Rozek rated it liked it Jun 05, Badnarik believes that the U.His political views are influenced by the writings of both Ayn Rand and L.The author then provides a detailed explication of the true meaning of major constitutional provisions and amendments.

Views Read Edit View history.Dawn rated it really liked it Jan 26, Retrieved from ” https: Penny Bradley rated it really liked it Jun 27, Zach Maxell rated it really liked it Mar 30, He does an excellent job of demystifying our founding document, demonstrating that ordinary Americans can and should understand the Constitution and how it applies to their lives. Download and read Chapter 2 Rights vs.

Libertarian nominee for President of the United States Bush and John Kerry.Oct 26, Dave Maddock rated it liked it. In other projects Wikimedia Commons Wikiquote. Badnarik and Cobb were protesting their exclusion from the presidential debates of the presidential election campaign.

This video course by Michael Badnarik is a must see for all Americans. If you think you understand American history, the Constitution, and the basis of law and government you are probably sadly mistaken. Badnarik explains these things in clear and easy to understand language that is guaranteed to blow your mind. It comes in 7 segments of nearly one hour each.

This free course gets 5 Stars.Mr. Badnarik has held very impressive positions with a Secret security clearance from the U.S.

Government and he is someone you should take very seriously. This online course is just a taste of what he has to tell you. If you like this, visit his website at for more info about him, his more up-to-date and in-depth 12-hour course on DVD, and his book 'Good for the King'.You'll need a high-speed connection to watch these videos.CAUTION: This course is for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY!!!

Badnarik appears correct in his assertions that you are not required to pay income tax, register your car, get a drivers license, etc., etc., acting on this information will bring you great pain and sorrow. The IRS and local police agencies may not have the Constitutional Authority to do what they often do, but they do in fact have a lot of guns to bring to the game. Resisting them is like resisting any armed group of people who have already made up their minds about how things are going to be. That said, this course is extremely valuable to your understanding of America. Badnarik is a systems analyst/programmer; like Carl Miller he does a great job of researching and presenting constitutional FACTS.Others claim our rights were revoked with the banksters fraudulently took over our currency, encumbered America in their debt and then triggered economic collapse as an excuse to gain more debt and enslave Americans.

Those who read the constitution know this can only be maintained via corrupted judges.Said traitors have tens of thousands of hasbaRats who get paid to attempt to discredit with ad hominems and asking 'for your papers' of qualification via their 'education' systems of indoctrination.They're easily spotted by claims of 'mental illness' or other 'attacks on the person' and avoid at all costs the materials they present.See 'communist' #PunitivePsychiatry that's being actively practiced in America. What are Badnarik's qualifications as concerns law? He makes the same mistakes as the typical 'Libertarian' idiotologue: he fails to distinguish between law, on one hand, and on the other, politics - thus he substitutes his preferred fantasy for the actual history of the country, and the Constitution.Very simple premise: 'We the people' ARE the gov't; therefore, anyone who preaches against gov't is preaching against 'We the people'.

At best it is a cowardly abandonment of one's duties as a citizen in a democracy. Wake up, Badnarik: like doesn't consist only of freedom - yours - and everyone else bearing all the responsibility.Our system of laws is not based upon the lawless nonsense that the individual is 'above society' - society being s skein of laws. IT is based upon a balancing of interests: my right to not have my rights infringed means you have the responsibility to not infringe them. And vice versa.

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No, 'Libertarians': freedom is NOT unlimited: it is limited both by our finitude and imperfection, and the fact that we live in a society with others who have rights - and responsibilities which are the equal of ours.What are Badnarik's qualifications to tell everyone else what the 'law' is? None: his is the fundamental, typical idiotological appeal to false authority fallacy. Ours is a society of laws - not of ideologues/men.Addendum:Reviewer: LetFreedomRing -September 13, 2008Subject: We Need to Study Our History & ConstitutionWe need to learn the difference between believing the weird simply because weird, and learning not to be gullible to every crackpottery that crawls out of the anti-Constitutional lunatic fringe.I thank Mr. Badnarik for his effort. I think anyone that thinks Mr. Badnarik is extreme in his views should refer to the precursor to the Declaration of Independence - the Virginia Declaration of Rights by George Mason.The Constitution trumps the VA Declaration. And the VA Declaration doesn't apply outside VA.You'd know that if (1) you'd read the Constitution, and (2) knew the meaning of the words 'supreme' and 'Law'.Mason does not get air time in Classrooms because he, like Jefferson, was not a big government Federalists/Imperialist/Conservative.

He was a true Classical Liberal.You haven't a clue. For one, Jefferson owned slaves, so had time to sit around and read and wirte down his abstract speculations. He also wrote this in the 'Declaration' - which was a declaration of independence from BRITAIN ONLY - in the list of complaints against King George III:'He has affected to render the Military independent of and superior to the Civil Power.' So Jefferson opposed the crackpottery which falsely cites him as supportive of their anti-gov't lunacies. Moreover, as were all the Founders, Jefferson was PRO-gov't: we call them 'Founders' because they FOUNDED gov't.And the phrase 'big gov't' has neither meaning nor legitimacy: read 'The Federalist,' and you'll repeatedly encounter the express assertion that the INTENT was to create a POWERFUL, CENTRAL gov't.And who lost the argument when the COnstitution was ratified? The anti-Federalists - today's racist 'states' rights' anti-Constitutionalists. That means the that anti-Federalist and their views have no legal weight.Of course a 'liberal' today is a Neo Marxist.Of course you don't know what you're talking about, being limited as you are to (1) gullibility, and (2) slinging labels about which you know nothing accurate, and none of which is substitute for actual knowledge.

Clue: the framers incorporated taxation in the Constitution.More and more Americans should consult this document. Especially the person not far below this comment, that condemns this talk.I have an education in law, and my special focus of research and study is the evolution of legal history into Constitution and Bill of Rights. Your 'specialty' is to seek alternatives to making the efort to know what you're talking about. I'm sure Bandarik is living comfortably off the profits made from exploiting your ignorance and gullibility.As concerns the crackpottery he preaches: I was introducted to it, and studied it, alongside getting an education in law. That crackpottery is pseudo-law from law-illiterates who never explain how they know law better than those who have an education in law as result of the fact that DON'T have such education.You're intellectual laziness - looking for the easy way around personal and social reesponsibility - is indefensible. As Bandarik's misleading of the gullible is irresponsible and reprehensible. Every freedom is inextricably entwined with responsibility; that includes the right of free speech.And then this unfounded elitist nonsense, from an individual who speaks strictly to the personal, when the issue is objective history, fact, and law:'Maybe you should “wake up,” JNagarya; this is a republic not a democracy.'

The essence of democracy is elections. The Constitution stipulates that there shall be elections.Ours is a democratic republic. As for grabbing onto Jefferson as a favorite anti-gum'mint source: Jefferson himself said, that in order that our DEMOCRACY survive, the citizenry must be educated.And he meant educated in fact, not anti-gum'mint crackpottery which is directly contradicted by the Constitution individuals such as you haven't yet read the first time. Badnarik for his effort. I think anyone that thinks Mr.

Badnarik is extreme in his views should refer to the precursor to the Declaration of Independence - the Virginia Declaration of Rights by George Mason. Mason does not get air time in Classrooms because he, like Jefferson, was not a big government Federalists/Imperialist/Conservative. He was a true Classical Liberal.


Of course a 'liberal' today is a Neo Marxist. More and more Americans should consult this document.

Especially the person not far below this comment, that condemns this talk. First of all, this is a Great Course which is intended to be no more than an introduction. The historical details that are usually expected have been referenced, but minimally discussed. The purpose of this class is to provide an “insight” into the Constitution in matters of reference and model with plenty of details and anecdotes. (In other words, the Constitution is being taught as a dynamic document, not just a piece of parchment with words that mean nothing until an indictment occurs.) This is not a history class.

The intention is for the student to learn what the Constitution is and how it applies to every American citizen, as well as how it can be applied in everyone’s daily life. Michael Badnarik suggests for everyone to continue to learn and study the facts and history of the Constitution enthusiastically. No one will be disappointed!In comment to JNagarya, what in the hell are you rambling about?

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Do you have any clue as to what you are saying? If you are so wise, then why do you have so many misspellings and grammatical errors? (Just reading your comment is an eyesore in itself!) Also, why would you care about qualifications? I have a piece of paper that says I'm a Doctor.

Does that qualify me to perform surgery on your brain? Are you qualified to judge other people?

Michael Badnarik Website

Do you even know Michael Badnarik personally to make such a judgment call about his qualifications, let alone question his motives or background? (Michael does state that he has at least 18 years of research, whether or not you believe him.) So if you do not like his class, then just state your opinion of the class and ask Michael directly about his qualifications (to determine genuineness) without your personal and prejudiced characterization.

Then explain with (true) facts as to why he may be wrong. You see, it is people like you who cause dissent in the American public by thwarting a positive objective with personal inquiries only to prove that someone is smarter than you, perhaps? Maybe you should “wake up,” JNagarya; this is a republic not a democracy regardless of what you may have heard on the television. (See Constitution Article IV, Section 4, First Sentence.) Plus, “We the People” are not the government. “We the People” appoint the government through a process called election. (Have you ever read and tried to understand our Constitution?) All that I ask of you is one thing (as a favor to those individuals inquiring of this class); please apologize for your reckless generalization and your thoughtless discouragement to everyone who happens upon reading your blog and also to Michael. Within your apology, consider an implication that you really did not mean the things that you wrote because you have proven that your Constitutional knowledge is obviously deficient and that you apparently have not paid much attention to this valuable class.

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